WordPress plugins I use

I always like reading posts like this one, since I find it interesting to learn which plugins other WordPress users/developers use, and sometimes I end up learning about new plugins I’ve never heard of. So, I decided to write one as well. Feel free to post a comment with your own favourite list.

Akismet →

It has already blocked more than 150.000 spammy comments. Do I need to say more?

BackupWPup →

It helps you schedule an automatic backup of your WordPress files and/or database. I’m usually using it to set-up database backups that are either delivered to my email, or stored automatically into my Dropbox account.

Comment Reply Notification →

A small plugin that sends an email notification to the person who posted a comment, when a reply is posted to it.

Hello in all languages →

Self-promotion alert, part one! It displays a “hello” translated to the official language of the country the visitor’s IP belongs to.

How old am I →

Self-promotion, part two (and final)! The plugin calculates and displays your age in several formats. For example, I use it on my about page.

Search Meter →

A nice little plugin that captures every search made by your blog’s visitors.

Simple URLs →

If you want to mask some long and ugly external URL into something custom, smaller, and easy to remember, then this is a plugin for you.

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved →

I use it to highlight and format properly any code in my tutorials.

W3 Total Cache →

I find it as good as WP Super Cache, but I use this instead, since it works out of the box with the CDN I use (i.e. Rackspace Cloud Files).

WordPress Download Monitor →

You can use it to manage downloads in WordPress sites, count (and display) how many times a file was downloaded, etc.

WordPress SEO →

Takes care of all the small and boring SEO stuff.

WP-Paginate →

A simple and flexible pagination plugin.

Photo by norbysavi