what it is, plus a few technical details is the latest client project I was involved in. It is a Greek startup focused on musicians, which is on early beta phase and currently available only in Greek language. I was heavily involved in all of the project’s phases (since the early documentation of its specifications) and I had a great time working on it, so I decided to share a few details about it.

Musicians are able to create profiles showcasing their CV and portfolio (via YouTube and Vimeo videos, as well as SoundCloud sound clips), so they can be spotted for work and collaboration opportunities. They are also able to create a list of upcoming (and previous) events they participate in, and create photo galleries. Have a look at a profile as an example.

We have implemented a tag-based system which makes it easy for the musicians to list their skills, the locations they are able to work at, as well as what they are interested in (e.g. collaboration, work opportunities, etc.), in their profiles. These tags are also used in the site’s search system, so that the musicians can be filtered.

On the technical side, its front-end was designed by Spectrum Design and I coded it using HTML5, CSS3, and some jQuery. On the back-end, the whole system is custom-made built using PHP (on top of the CodeIgniter framework) and includes a MySQL database.

Finally, I will include a list of third party tools and services that were used in the project: Stripe handles the payments; Mandrill handles all the transactional emails; Colorbox is used as lightbox solution; Tooltipster is used to display tooltips where needed; and imgAreaSelect is used to create custom avatars from the musicians’ profile photos.

Live long and prosper,!