My first time using an iPad — Expectations vs Reality

My first time using an iPad — Expectations vs Reality

The first time I used an Apple product was for a whole semester in the early ‘00s, when I was an undergraduate student. The product was an iMac G3, and although it’s been quite some time to remember the details, I have a vivid memory that I didn’t like the whole experience. Although I don’t consider myself an Apple hater (I’ve even read Steve Jobs’ biography :P), ever since I consciously decided to stay away from Apple products; no iPhones, no iMacs, no iPads, no “i’s” in general.

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How to calculate the selection coordinates of a resized and rotated image

How to calculate the selection coordinates of a resized and rotated image

This tutorial derives from a question I recently answered in Stack Overflow. The person who asked the question was selecting (I assume using some JavaScript library) a part of an image that wanted to subsequently crop. Given that the selection was being made in a resized image, he had the coordinates based on that resized image, and he needed to know the way he could calculate the coordinates corresponding to the original image. Let’s tackle that first, and then we will move onto the rotation part which is mentioned in the title of this tutorial.

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From fanzines to newsletters

From fanzines to newsletters

I’ll begin with a short story. Many years ago, when I was in my early teens, I enjoyed reading several fanzines containing interesting articles (either original or just photocopied from other sources), lists of recommendations for books/music/movies, etc. Back in these days, they were usually distributed by hand, but you could also post money to the fanzine’s publisher to cover postage costs (or an envelope and stamps) and you would get the fanzine by post.

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Sometimes you have to let go

Sometimes you have to let go

I wrote the title of this post and saved it as an empty draft at the end of September, 2012. At the time, I was thinking of dropping some of the domain names which I owned but I was not using. I was already thinking of doing that for at least a year, and it took me another one to actually do it, but I already managed to drop a few domains. I’m even about to drop another three in the following days.

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Setting goals, not resolutions

Setting goals, not resolutions

Although last year I wrote my new year’s resolutions, after reading a lot of other people’s resolutions during the last month I was convinced that I used the wrong term. Don’t get me wrong, but it looks like the term “resolution” is mostly used for things that someone wouldn’t normally do and is trying to convince and motivate him/herself to do them, only because a new year is approaching.

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